Red is the spraypaint on my skin
The livingroom I’m living in
Red is the sunset skyline sky
A camera flashing surprised eyes
You got sick the other day
I just turned the other way
When I call you I pretend
You’re okay
The leaves have fallen down covering streets
You cannot see the concrete ground
The wealthy districts dogpound wasn’t locked
Now everywhere there’s afghan hounds
So proud and thin they roam the streets
Children are playing trick or treat
And when i knock your door you hand me candy from
The 99 cent store
And from this wednesday to the next
I’m gonna make
This sweet cheap feeling
In my left backpocket there’s a photograph
That you might fimd weird
It shows you in ten years or maybe twelve
But what is sure you’ll have a beard
That beard is covering
The space around your mouth
Is there the ocean
Didn’t you say you’re heading south
Since the day that we have moved
The fishtank from the basement
To the roof
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